
Ruminations on health, wellness and nutrition

Dietitian-Approved Menus: 5 Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors

  Menu Planning

Dietitian-approved menus make healthy eating much easier for anyone. For seniors, however, nutrition is especially important. A balanced diet promotes good health, improves many chronic health conditions and helps older adults enjoy a better quality of life. Making smart food choices isn’t always easy for seniors. Fortunately, at least for those living in nursing homes …

Menus for Seniors: “My Plate” Guidelines for Nutrition

  Menu Planning

When planning menus for seniors, nutritious foods and beverages form the basis of any facility’s program. Healthy eating plans can help improve symptoms or decrease the risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Older adults often have specific nutritional needs but the healthy eating plan recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines …