Menu Planning Program Benefits in the Group Home Environment


A professional menu planning program can make a profound difference both for group home residents and administrators. For elderly and disabled group home residents, meal time represents much more than the simple intake of nutrients. When the dining experience is improved, the benefits can be surprising. Beyond these obvious benefits, however, menu planning programs can assist the group home …

How Menus for Seniors Are Influenced by Environmental Factors

  Assisted Living Menus | Menu Planning

When designing menus for seniors, it’s important to consider environmental factors that can affect nutrition and food intake. Food psychologists have studied dietary trends for people of all ages and discovered several striking facts. Of course, we understand how environmental factors can influence health and obesity in children and young adults, but they affect older individuals as well. Because …

Menus for Seniors: Increase Mobility with Flavonoids

  Assisted Living Menus | Inflammation | Menu Planning

When designing menus for seniors, it’s important to include as many nutrient-dense as possible. By adding foods rich in flavonoids and phytochemicals, you can help your assisted living or nursing home residents maintain their mobility and protect against a variety of diseases. A host of recent studies demonstrates how powerful these plant metabolites can be …